Iteratively calculate co-registration parameters for two DEMs, as seen in Nuth and Kaeaeb (2011).

usage: [-h] [-a EXC_MASK] [-b INC_MASK] [-n NPROC]
                                 [-p] [-f]
                                 master_tiles infiles [infiles ...]

Positional Arguments

master_tiles path to master DEM tiles to be used for co-registration
infiles path to slave DEM(s) to be co-registered

Named Arguments

-a, --exc_mask Glacier mask. Areas inside of this shapefile will not be used for coregistration [None]
-b, --inc_mask Land mask. Areas outside of this mask (i.e., water) will not be used for coregistration. [None]
-n, --nproc

number of processors to use [1].

Default: 1

-p, --points

Process assuming that master DEM is ICESat data [False].

Default: False

-f, --full_ext

Write full extent of master DEM and shifted slave DEM. [False].

Default: False