Run MMASTER post-processing bias corrections, given external elevation data.

usage: [-h] [-s SLAVEDEM] [-a EXC_MASK]
                                  [-b INC_MASK] [-n NPROC] [-o OUTDIR] [-p]
                                  masterdem indir [indir ...]

Positional Arguments

masterdem path to master DEM/elevations to be used for bias correction
indir directory/directories where final, georeferenced images are located.

Named Arguments

-s, --slavedem (optional) name of DEM to correct. By default, looks for MMASTER DEMs of the form AST_L1A_003…_Z.tif
-a, --exc_mask exclusion mask. Areas inside of this shapefile (i.e., glaciers) will not be used for coregistration [None]
-b, --inc_mask inclusion mask. Areas outside of this mask (i.e., water) will not be used for coregistration. [None]
-n, --nproc

number of processors to use [1].

Default: 1

-o, --outdir

directory to output files to (creates if not already present). [.]

Default: “biasrem”

-p, --points

process assuming that master DEM is point elevations [False].

Default: False

-l, --log

write output to a log file rather than printing to the screen [False].

Default: False